
ISSP UL’s researcher group shared their research results at the ICL 2023 conference

Researchers from the ISSP UL’s Laboratory of Spectroscopy participated in the 20th International Conference on Luminescence (ICL) 2023, held in Paris, France, from August 25 to September 1.

ICL is an international conference series held every three years, bringing together a large community of researchers working in the fields of luminescent materials, the processes governing light emission, and the applications of these systems.

Among the topics covered during the conference ICL 2023 could be mentioned new luminescent materials and new methods; nanocrystals, quantum dots, and nanostructured materials; spectroscopy of macromolecules and biomolecules; persistent luminescence and photo-stimulated luminescence; coherent, nonlinear, and high-resolution spectroscopy, quantum emitters, quantum technologies; applications of luminescence etc.

Six researchers from ISSP UL’s Laboratory of Spectroscopy shared their research results with fellow scientists. During the plenary session, leading researcher Dr. phys. Andris Antuzevičs gave a contributed talk entitled “Insights into the mechanics of persistent luminescence provided by electron paramagnetic resonance”, whereas leading researcher Dr. phys. Laima Trinklere participated in two poster sessions with presentations “Luminescence properties of Cu2O single crystals and epitaxial Cu2O thin films electrodeposited on metallic substrates” and “Anisotropic luminescence of β-LiGaO2”. Four of the ISSP UL representatives participated in poster sessions with one poster: leading researcher Dr. habil. phys. Baiba Bērziņa presented a poster titled “AIN – persistent luminescence”; researcher Mg. Guna Doķe – “X-ray activated UV-A long persistent luminescence of Ce3+ doped Sr3MgSi2O8 material”; research assistant Mg. Dace Ņilova – “Characterization and modification of UV emitting Ca2Al2SiO7:Pr3+ material”;  and research assistant Mg. Rihards Ruska participated in a poster session with his poster “Aluminium nitride based luminescent materials for biomedical applications”.

ISSP UL researchers attended all the ICL 2023 sessions and discussed their research with conference participants from other countries. Contacts were established with Israeli, Japanese, Polish and French scientists working in the field of dielectric and semiconductor luminescence.