
Participation in E-MRS Fall Meeting 2022

A group of ISSP UL researchers participated in the 2022 E-MRS Fall Meeting and Exhibit, held at Warsaw University of Technology, from September 19 to 21 (exhibition) and September 19 to 22 (technical sessions). The conference allowed the ISSP UL’s researchers to update their knowledge about the state of the art in nanomaterials, photonics, wide band gap materials and phase transitions in solids.


During the event, ISSP UL’s scientists established a new cooperation with the Institute of Chemistry of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Prof. Roy Shenhar) dealing with self-assembling block polymer and hybrid structures. The Latvian scientists initiated immediate cooperation in the field of polymer photonics involving ISSP UL’s Laboratory of Organic Materials. The first exchange of the samples has already started, and the ISSP UL’s role in this collaboration is to assess the nonlinear optical properties of the provided structures. Future cooperation is based on creating block polymer structures in our polymer photonic elements.


During the conference, another fruitful cooperation started with the Institute of Low Temperature and Structural research of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Prof. Miroslaw Maczka) in X-ray spectroscopy for metalorganic perovskites. The first test measurements were already made in the Petra III synchrotron to assess the method’s usability.


E-MRS Fall Meeting 2022 consisted of 16 parallel symposia with invited speakers, oral and poster presentations, and a plenary session to provide an international forum for discussing recent advances in materials science. The conference was augmented by an exhibition of products and services of interest to the conference participants and a one-day workshop on Material recycling and circular economy.