
Opening of Taiwan and Baltic States Research Center on Physics

Long-term and successful scientific cooperation between the National Sun Yat-Sen University (NSYSU) and the Institute of Solid State Physics of the University of Latvia (ISSP UL) led to the idea of establishing a joint research center, which would ensure even closer cooperation not only in the elaboration of research projects but also in the exchange and acquisition of complementary knowledge, know-how and skills.

On Thursday, March 12, a solemn opening ceremony of the Taiwan and the Baltic States Research Center on Physics was held at the premises of the ISSP UL with participation of high level representatives from NSYSU, the Taipei Mission in the Republic of Latvia, the Parliament of Latvia, ministries, University of Latvia and ISSP UL.

During the ceremony, the Memorandum of Understanding was signed by Senior vice president of NSYSU, Dr. Mitch Chou, and Pro-rector of UL, Prof. Valdis Segliņš, and director of ISSP UL Dr. Mārtiņš Rutkis confirming common commitment to manage and promote an exchange of students, researchers and academic staff, usage of ISSP UL Open-access laboratories, joint project preparation and submission, and organization of mutual scientific seminars on the latest research directions and results achieved.

After the ceremony and networking activities, the first scientific seminar was organized, where professors from NSYSU and leading scientists from ISSP UL gave lectures indicating research directions of their laboratories and searching common interests and possibilities of collaboration in the future.