
Valuable skills and knowledge acquired at ESONN’ 22 Summer School

Kevon Kadiwala, an engineer from the ISSP UL’s Thin Films laboratory and a 2nd year Ph.D. student, participated in the summer school ESONN (European School on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies)’ 22 organized by Université Grenoble Alpes in Grenoble, France between 28th august – 10th September 2022. 

Kevon Kadiwala presented results from his work on alpha phase Ga2O3 during the poster session of the school. The purpose of attending this school was to learn and gain valuable information which can be applied in future research work at the ISSP UL. In addition, the summer school provided an opportunity to build a network of young researchers.

During school, a total of 38 hours of lectures and 30 hours of practical work were attended. The main theme of the summer school (nanoscience/-technology) was closely related to the main topic of Kadiwala’s Ph.D. thesis and his participation in school was beneficial for his growth as a researcher.