
The first Digital Summer School organized by CAMART2 RIX-STO platform has ended

The first online Summer School “Micro- and nanofabrication of electronic and photonic devices” for students and early stage researchers was organized by the CAMART2 RIX-STO technology transfer and innovation platform, which is the mutual regional partnership between the consortium members consisting of CAMART2 project associates ISSP UL, KTH and RISE.

The summer school was virtually attended by more than 40 students, early stage and experienced researchers from ISSP UL, University of Latvia, Riga Technical University, as well as Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Professors and leading experts from Institute of Solid State physics, University of Latvia (ISSP UL) (Latvia), KTH (Sweden) and RISE (Sweden) gave the lectures to the participants of the summer school. Cleanrooms operation, micro- and nanofabrication concepts and techniques, device integration and building process are the few topics that were discussed during the Summer School. Special part of the School was devoted to the development of projects when the participants, with the help of mentors from ISSP UL, KTH and RISE, attempted to design their own devices.

The participants of the digital summer school were impressed with the event and the available infrastructure. One of the participants commented: “This event was wonderful because all the sessions had a logical sequence like a big puzzle. In my country it is very difficult to have events with this information because there are no laboratories so equipped.”  Other participants were impressed with the content of the lectures and the passion of the lecturers.

One of the organizers of the summer school, Deputy Director for Education of the ISSP UL and the leader of CAMART2 WP3 Dr.phys. Anatolijs Šarakovskis was pleased with the great interest and responsiveness of the students, who represented geographically distant regions. The success of the first online summer school has encouraged an idea to organize another one in the autumn; however, it remains to be coordinated with the professors and depends on their availability.


RIX-STO platform is the mutual regional partnership between the consortium members consisting of CAMART2 project associates: ISSP UL, KTH and RISE. The platform aims at enabling high-tech developments within the region’s industries, promoting new products and start-up enterprises, and strengthening collaboration through close interactions between students, scientists, and entrepreneurs.