
The director of the ISSP UL participates in the visit to Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen

On June 30, the director of the ISSP, Dr. phys. Andris Anspoks, together with representatives from the University of Latvia, Prof. Vjačeslavs Kaščejevs and Dr.phys Gunta Kunakova, and a representative from the University of Tartu, Dr. Veiko Palge, visited Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen to exchange ideas and search for cooperation in the field of Quantum algorithms and devices.

During the visit, the head of the department Jan W. Thomsen, gave an overview of the Niels Bohr Institute’s research. Prof. Charles Marcus gave an update about Quantum devices. Prof. Laura Mančinska (Department of Mathematical Sciences) presented harnessing quantum entanglement. Prof. Albert Schliesser introduced mechanical quantum sensors, followed by a laboratory tour.

The most promising contact was made with Prof. Albert Schliesser and Prof. Laura Mančinska, and some further cooperation could be possible with these scientists. Valuable information was discussed about possible demonstrators for quantum photonic devices with Laura Mančinska – a researcher of Latvian origin. Her co-authored publication provides basic ideas on how to prove quantum entanglement and the proper functioning of the detectors. Prof. Albert Schliesser’s research focuses on optomechanical and acoustic quantum devices based on membranes.

Along with the researchers from Latvia and Estonia, the representative from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia and representatives from the embassy of the United States in Denmark participated in the visit.