
The 37th annual scientific conference at the ISSP UL

The 37th Scientific Conference of the Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia was held on February 23-25 and it took place within the framework of the 79th Scientific Conference of the University of Latvia. The conference was dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the UL’s Laboratory of Semiconductor Physics Problems. As all the events lately, the conference was held online on Zoom platform. During the tree days of the conference 55 oral presentations were given. The presentations were grouped in 13 blocks each devoted to a certain topic - Optical materials; Materials for energy; Equipment and devices; Structure; Chemical technologies; Organic materials; Theory and modeling; Thin films and coatings; Irradiation of materials; Materials for sensors; Optical materials and Ferroelectric materials.

The conference was opened by the presentation “Start of ISSP UL Research Programme 2021-2023-2027: CAMART2 support and COVID constraints” by the deputy director for science and leading researcher at the Laboratory of Ferroelectric Materials Dr.phys. Andris Šternbergs in which he explained that the programme and the R&D activities have been developed within the traditional strength of the ISSP UL and in 2021 it will focus on photonics, energy harvesting and storage as well as biomedical issues. Creativity into further updating of research-innovation ecosystem includes offer of cutting-edge technology facilities and services advanced equipment and methods permitting qualitative evaluation and characterization of materials or interfaces. In 2021, much attention in the Institute will be payed to the education and renewal of professional and highly qualified scientific personnel. Adequate and specific curricula – updated master’s and doctoral programme, including interdisciplinary aspects has been developed as the basis for future creation of knowledge and industrial competitiveness of young researchers. A lot of effort will be dedicated to ensure cooperation with institutions of higher education, international partners, training of students and specialists as well as to attracting entrepreneurs and investors.

CAMART2 WP1 is to play very important role in constantly supporting young researchers to attend international summer/winter schools and international conferences/workshops, seminars and supporting preparation for the FM&NT 2022 conference in Riga. The WP1 will also support young researchers in their participation in S2S meetings with in CAMART2 partners, delegate for internships. Recruitment of high quality researchers via Postdoc’s programme, via Horizon Europe Widening participation ERA-Chair projects still remains a serious challenge. Dr. Šternbergs emphasized that the elaboration of the Institute’s budget requires serious preparation for Horizon Europe’s first calls, as well as participation in existing and forthcoming National Research programs, calls for proposals for the Latvian Council of Science projects and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) project calls.

For the book of abstracts and the program of the conference, please visit: