
Teaming Award Ceremony

On February 17, representatives from the Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia - Director Mārtiņš Rutkis and Deputy Director of science Andris Šternbergs represented CAMART2 project and signed a Grant Agreement at special Teaming Award Ceremony in Brussels, Belgium. The signature was part of a meeting between the EU Commission, representatives of all successful Teaming Phase 2 applicants, and representatives from the national authorities providing co-funding.

The Teaming representatives and the Governmental officials met with the EU senior officials, as well as with the respective project officers, to discuss various aspects of the implementation of their projects. DG RTD presented the policy expectations from the 10 Teaming projects.

The Teaming, or institution building, is intended to help strengthen new or already existing centres of excellence by partnering them up with renowned scientific institutions. Among 169 applications for Horizon 2020 funding, 30 were selected for the Teaming Phase 1, thus obtaining funding to finance a detailed business plan preparation for their project proposals. After Phase 2 applications evaluation, 10 proposals were chosen and received further funding in order to develop their winning ideas.


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