
Representatives from ISSP UL, Taipei Mission, and Taiwan’s National University visit the world-leading optical fiber production lab

On June 9, Ainārs Knoks, a researcher from the ISSP UL’s Laboratory of Materials for Energy Harvesting and Storage and representative of the Materize platform that was created within the Camart2 project to facilitate collaboration with the industry, participated in a visit of Mr. Andrew H.C. Lee, Representative of the Taipei Mission in Latvia, and Professor Mitch Ming-Chi Chou from the Department of Materials and Optoelectronics at Taiwan’s National Sun Yat-Sen University to Latvian based company Lighguide (in Līvāni).

The trip to Līvāni followed the visit of the Representative and Professor to the ISSP UL where they had a tour of the laboratories and cleanrooms, and future collaboration opportunities were discussed. During the visit production site was shown and various collaboration possibilities and new products of Lightguide were shown and discussed.

Lightguide International is a dynamic and competitive European company that develops, manufactures, and supplies optical fibers, fiber bundles, cables, and laser delivery systems for cutting-edge, highly sophisticated scientific, industrial and medical applications worldwide.