

On June 4, 2015, European Commission and Latvian government representatives participated in the CAMART² project-launch event. A number of meetings with governmental bodies, higher educational representatives, students and entrepreneurs took place, in which the objectives, goals and future benefits of CAMART² were presented to them. A Special Strategic Board was formed that is led by Dr. Agrita Kiopa, Deputy State Secretary of the Ministry of Education and Science and includes representatives from Ministry of Economics, Ministry of Finance, State Education Development Agency and University of Latvia.

Several workshops and brainstorming events with Latvian, Lithuanian and Swedish entrepreneurs were organized to get a clear message about their needs and demands regarding research input into their business development.

A solid base for creation of the Business Plan was built according to the SWOT analysis of the ISSP, which was objectively and fairly performed with the help of highly qualified and experienced Swedish colleagues. Visits were held to the KTH Electrum Laboratory and Acreo Swedish ICT to gain an insight into their experience and to adopt best practices with a view to incorporating all the benefits on the ISSP Developmental Roadmap.

Collaboration agreements between the University of Latvia and Riga Technical University regarding mutual engagement in scientific projects and educational activities were signed. This paves the way to widening education possibilities in Latvia in the near future and to encouraging talented students to prolong their studies and choose a career in science.