
Participation in a course "Innovative Horizon Europe proposal writing"

On November 1-4 representative from ISSP UL’s MATERIZE platform for cooperation with industry Ilze Aulika and ISSP UL’s International projects acquisition specialists Jānis Ancāns and Timurs Safiuļins participated in the EFMC course “Innovative Horizon Europe proposal writing” in Brussels, Belgium to gain more knowledge and skills in preparing a successful international project description.

During the 3-day course, ISSP UL’s representatives learned about the classification of EU funds, structure of Horizon Europe work programs and their research priorities, as well as such issues as gender balance, ethics and EU taxonomy. The course also addressed issues of the influence of the new implementation strategy on the proposal writing, sound preparation to proposal writing, defining of objectives, and pertinence with EU goals and priorities.

The participants could learn about the concept underpinning the project and its implementation as well as about Open Science, gender dimension, interdisciplinary approach, research data management, and “do no significant harm” principle. The course looked into the impact section of the proposal writing – the new pathways to impacts, the outcome and impacts, stakeholders, and dissemination & exploitation of the project.   

The EFMC course offered also insight into such aspects of proposal writing as WPs & Tasks, deliverables, milestones, risks, governance, planning resources, which also contained a practical exercise. Participants acquired knowledge as to how to empower the project using third parties, what is a “must know” in order to construct a coherent estimated budget, and practicalities of proposal submission.

European Fund Management Consulting (EFMC) is one of the leading organizations in Europe specialized in the financial management of European Union Research and Innovation projects (FP7&H2020).