
Materize presents industry collaboration and innovations in Latvia at Israel – Latvia Business Forum

Representatives of the Materize unit established within the scope of the CAMART2 project at the ISSP UL, Ainars Knoks and Olga Bogdanova, participated in the delegation and reception of the President of the Republic of Latvia, Egils Levits, in Israel from 27th to 30th of November 2022.

Ainārs Knoks and Olga Bogdanova participated in the Israel – Latvia Business Forum opened by the President of Latvia. The Forum was organized by the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA) in cooperation with The Israel Export & International Cooperation Institute, The Federation of Chamber of Commerce, The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Economy.

Among the speakers at the Forum were the Minister of Economics of the Republic of Latvia, Ilze Indriksone; the Mayor of Riga, Mārtiņš Staķis; Deputy Director General Israel Export Institute, Shauli Katznelson, who gave a presentation on the Israeli Ecosystem & partnership; and Director of Investment and Development Agency of Latvia Kaspars Rožkalns,

At the Business Forum, individual meetings and knowledge exchanges took place with local companies and hubs. Materize participated in multiple groups, met with a couple of companies, and gave a presentation during the forum.

Materize representatives participated in the group visiting Start-up Nation Central to participate in the knowledge transfer regarding start-ups in Israel; ICT sector group – Google visit; Mechanical engineering, Energy, Transport and Logistics, Optics, Finance, Tourism group that visited High-Tech and Production associations.

In the Business Forum, Olga Bogdanova gave a presentation on Industry collaboration and innovations in Latvia following meetings and discussions with participants. Ainars Knoks participated in the Business Forum opening part, then went to meetings with 3Dbattery and Oorym. Talks with both companies were fruitful; it was agreed to exchange new technologies and more details on materials from which further development in various forms could proceed.

During the official reception, Materize representatives talked with the President of the Republic of Latvia, Her Excellency Mrs Sharon Rappaport Palgi, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the State of Israel to Latvia, and other participants from Latvia.

About President’s visit to Israel in Latvian