
Luminescent coatings for use on cars and road signs are being researched in Latvia

On February 9, the National TV channel, in its morning program “Rīta panorama” (Morning Panorama), showed a story about the leading researcher from the ISSP UL’s Laboratory of Optical Materials, Dr. phys. Aleksejs Zolotarjovs. In 2022, the Latvian Academy of Sciences awarded Zolotarjovs the Ludvigs and Māris Jansons Prize in Physics for his doctoral thesis "Optical properties of plasma electrolytic oxidation coatings on aluminum alloy surface" (scientific supervisor Dr. phys. Krišjānis Šmits).

Together with his colleagues, Aleksejs Zolotarjovs studies coatings with luminescent or glowing properties. Such materials could be used to produce cars and road signs in the future. Although glow-in-the-dark cars and road signs sound like science fiction, the young researcher and his colleagues have managed to create materials that could achieve that. Such materials could also be used in medical institutions to protect employees from the effects of X-ray radiation.

Aleksejs started his path in science by enrolling in the bachelor’s program in physics in 2011. The ISSP UL was one of the opportunities to gain real experience working in laboratories. Ten years later, the research led to a successful defence of his doctoral thesis. Colleagues describe Aleksejs as a very versatile, knowledgeable, helpful, and approachable scientist who maintains a positive spirit in the team and devotes much time to students.

The TV story in Latvian