
Management visit of the Latvia – Lithuania – Taiwan trilateral project calls

On October 24, the ISSP UL hosted a management meeting of the Latvia – Lithuania – Taiwan (LV-LT-TW) trilateral project calls. Representatives from the Taiwan National Science and Technology Council, the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of Lithuania, and the Ministry of Education and Science of Latvia visited the ISSP UL. Up to date, the history of cooperation in this trilateral format includes six completed projects and the publication of articles in scientific journals.

The guests were welcomed by the ISSP UL’s Director Dr. Phys. Andris Anspoks, the Deputy Director for Science Dr. Habil. Phys. Andris Šternbergs, and the representatives of Taiwan and the Baltic States Research Center on Physics located at the ISSP UL. At the beginning of the meeting, the guests briefly introduced themselves and their activities. Andris Anspoks told about the institute, its’ research directions, commercialization of research, and history of cooperation in LV -LT – TW projects. This time the plan of the visit did not foresee visiting the cleanrooms, so, the guests were provided with the opportunity to look into that area with the help of a video about the cleanrooms. After that, the visitors were invited to take a tour of the laboratories and see the state-of-the-art equipment stationed there.

After the demonstration of ISSP UL’s capabilities, the parties gathered for a discussion about future project calls and the involvement of the parties in trilateral projects. Everybody expressed hopes for a fruitful future collaboration.